Here’s something really interesting that I realized about Android 17’s role in the Tournament of Power and by figuring this out, I was able to see just how long Number 17 is going to last before he gets eliminated. For real eliminated. This is the scene where Android 18 saves him. Actually, that was the scene that opened my eyes to what his purpose is in this battle
to survive Zeno sama. You see, from the moment Goku fought Number 17 while trying to recruit him for the Tournamentof Power, it was pretty obvious that he would outlive his sister in this thing.
But he got a second chance. While we were all grateful they didn’t completely forget about the power scaling in that moment, Android 17 not getting eliminated just yet was part of a larger overall plan for him. Something that fully answers two questions you have about him. Exactly what is Android 17’s purpose on Universe 7’s team?
First of all you need to look at his solo and teamwork fight.
His first fight is against 2 universe 2 fighters which is Vikal and Sanka ku. However the one that I will be highlighted in is Kakunsa. Kakunsa is a beast-like character and Android 17 easily defeated her and avoided all of her attack
The next fight involved him fighting with all of universe 2 attacks, the real purpose on this fight is just simply to helps Goku and protecting a teammate and these fight werent highlighting Android 17 but to showcase android 18 and Goku.
The next fight he participated in is with whole team figuring out the invisible fighter that kick picollo out of the ring. While the rest of his teammates were wasting their energy punching and kicking nothing but the air, Android 17 was saving the day. He did the smartest thing he could in a situation like that. He closed his eyes. At the end of the day, He is able to defeat the opponent. That means that, without him, they wouldn’t have won this battle without at least one other Universe 7 elimination and his help was valuable.

His next fight is a team fight between universe 7 and Aniraza. Android 17’s fight against Aniraza was very similar to his fight right before it with the Universe 4 bug. because he was still working with his teammates, but he had his own moment to shine. He is the one to find the weaknesses and traits of Aniraza. One other thing about Aniraza is that he is quite strong and if Android 17 didnt explore his weaknesses maybe we will see most of Universe 7 getting eliminated. That is why Android 17 is valuable for the team.
Tournament of Power is not just about power, its about teamwork and finding each other weaknesses to exploit as well as breaking their limits.
So do you get the real role of Android 17?
Let me explain, Android 17 knows his 3 main opponent well because firstly he is a ranger.
Do you notice that Android 17 three major fights have animalistic traits?
Sanka-ku is a beast-like warrior that have beast movement, Damon is a bug and Aniraza detected all of their movement using supersonic waves likes Dolphin. Not to mention he is a bit of Analysist and intelligent, He maybe second in terms of Intelligence compared to Gohan.
It has been confirmed that Android 17 and Gohan are gonna fight with Toppo and take a look at universe 11 remaining team, there is not a single one with a animalistic power or behaviour. Dyspo may look like a rabbit but his power is nothing like being a rabbit. Then we can conclude that his role is done in this tournament of power and confirmed that he will be the next one eliminated.
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